
A nautical mile is equivalent to 1852 meters.

Distances in between destinations in nautical miles

Alt Text

The distance between the islands has small differences in some cases. We specify
that the distance is calculated between the ports of the towns of the islands.

Dictionnaire Anglais-Grec-Français des principaux termes nautiques
Leeward = Σταβέντο = sous le vent
Windward = Σοφράνο = au vent
In Irons = Κατάορτσα = aux fers
Beat = Όρτσα = lof
Close Haul = Όρτσα = près
Up wind = Όρτσα = vent debout
Close reach = Κλειστή πλαγιοδρομία = petit largue
Beam reach = Πλαγιοδρομία = faire route de travers
Broad reach = Ανοιχτή πλαγιοδρομία = grand largue
Running = Δευτερόπρυμα = vent arrière
Dead Run = Πρύμα - Κατάπρυμα = plein vent arrière
Downwind = Πρύμα = sous le vent
Halyard = Μαντάρι = drisse
Sheet = Σκότα = écoute
Main, Mainsail = Μαίστρα = grand voile
Forestay = Πρότονος = étai avant
Backstay = Επίτονος = galhauban
Spreaders = Σταυροί = barres de flèche
Shroud = Ξάρτια = apparaux
Side stay = Μαγγιώρο = étai latéral
Luff = Γραντί = lof
Leech = Αετός = chute
Foot = Ποδιά = bordure
Top = Τζούντα = point de drisse / têtière
Tack = Τακ, Ποδάρι = martinet
Clew = Πορτούζι = point d’écoute
Storm jib = Φλόκος θυέλλης = tourmentin / foc tempête
Painter = Κάβος = amarre
Fore = Πλώρα = avant
Aft = Πρύμα = à l'arrière
Ahead = Πρόσω = avant
Astern = Ανάποδα = arrière
Bear away = Ποδίζω = laisser porter / abattre
Head downwind = Ποδίζω = laisser porter / abattre
Falling off = Ποδίζω = laisser porter / abattre
Head up = Ορτσάρω = loffer
Hoist = Βίρα = hisser
Take down = Μάινα = baisser
Windlass = Εργάτης άγκυρας = guindeau
Rig = Αρματωσιά σκάφους = gréement de l'engin
Block = Ράουλο = bollard / rouleau / rouleau
Rail = Ρέλι = lisse